A Move

 Hey There! Some of you may have noticed something funky going on over at my usual wesbite address. I won’t bore you with the not so fun, and frankly frusting for me, details. In the end, my .com domain name is no longer mine any more, and I’ve just had to come to terms with the fact that it’s just not coming back. So I have a new domain (and have also moved to a new, much better, domain register). You can now find me here at www.FineandFeathered.com . You also can always find me at FineandFeathered.Typepad.com as well. 

I’m working on updating my bloglovin’ feed so that anyone who has been following me on there will hopefully soon be moved over to following the correct one now. You can also always keep up with me by following Fine and Feathered on Facebook or following my personal Instagram!

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed me all these years. You guys are truly awesome!

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