Grey Day

Fall Bohemian Style Dress

Free People Hat Fall Style

Fall Style Lace Dress

UO Dress + Cardigan // Free People Hat + Necklace // Target Socks // Thrifted Boots

We’ve officially hit that quiet time of year, when fall is far gone, holidays are over, and the world is just cold. At least it is here. Not even a layer of snow to fawn over, just cold. Dressing can be awkward, and I often succumb to the dreary, frigid weather, and just throw on thermals with a hoodie and jeans to cover as much of my body as possible.

I still love my dresses though, which I think has greatly fueled my new obsessed with long cardigans. They’re basically like blankets that you get to wear around all day, which gets a huge gold star in my book. I actually have been having trouble from keeping myself from buying more. And should I mention how obsessed with specifically grey ones I am? Seriously, if you see me shopping and looking at a long grey cardigan, yell at me, please.

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