Learning to Deal

Overalls stripe shirt style

Overalls Snow Style

Overalls Stripes Outfit

Winter Overalls style

Winter Overalls Stripes

Free People Overalls, Shirt, and Necklace // Target Boots // Hat made by my Mom

My relationship with snow is definitely that of a love/hate nature. If I have to drive in it, especially if it hits unexpectedly while I’m at work and it takes me three hours to get home, then hate is most definitely the word to describe my feelings. But I do still love a good snowy morning, on a day off, where I can sit with my pups and a big cup of tea and just watch the big flakes fall. It always feels a little magical. I’ve definitely been trying to learn to separate my feeling of snow. Enjoy its beauty, even though it means I’m freezing and it will possibly mean an extra hard commute. It’s definitely a complicated relationship we have, but since it doesn’t look like I’ll be moving to Hawaii anytime soon, I better enjoy it. 

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