Flying By

Can we just talk for a second about how we’re already in April? Not only in April, but we’ve already flown past Easter, and are right smack dab in the middle already. Really. This year is literally just flying by me. It’s exciting, and also completely terrifying. 

On one hand, beach days will be here soon enough, which deserves a huge YAY, and THANK GOODNESS. On the other hand, I feel like I’m going to blink and we’ll be talking about Halloween and Christmas again in a few minutes. (Let’s not do that)

I guess it’s all just making me realize how important it is to take advantage of whatever time I have, and fully enjoy all the little moments. Sappy? yes. True? also yes.

spring dress outfit

spring dress hat

spring dress outfit

H&M Dress (thrifted) // Thrifted denim jacket-turned-vest //
Free People Hat // Nine West Shoes (thrifted)

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