A Little Bit of Color

I’ve always been a pretty monochromatic girl, with the exception of that hot pink tutu I used to wear as a teen (let’s just not talk about that, okay?). Whites? Please. Blacks? of course! Gray? Absolutely. Anything outside of those realms requires some heavy thinking.

I’m not sure what exactly attracted me about this shirt, but I’m digging it. I know that I do kind of love that it’s just the littlest bit sheer. I can see myself rocking it a lot this summer when the heat really gets going, with some sandals and a straw hat. Oh yes. 

Moral of the story? When you’re a black and white lover and a fun, colorful pattern grabs you, don’t ask questions. Just for it, and rock the heck out of it.

Thrifted Shorts, Bag, and Shoes // Free People Top // UO Hat //
Fossil Watch c/o Watchco // Loft Bracelet


  1. Love it! The shirt is beautiful & I love your words…I’m so the same – when I packed for New Orleans I took a look at the clothes on my bed & thought…I’ve never seen the rainbow apparently! HAHA….good to put some color in there every once in a while πŸ™‚

  2. awe man I love that top, so pretty!!!! I feel like Roots and Feathers just had a giveaway for the same one!!!

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