Philly, you will always have a special little place in my heart, even if we were to move a million miles away, I’d still love you and think of you often. Especially the food. Oh, the food.
Me and my husband have always made our dates about good food. Ever since we were dating, we were excited to finally be able to experiment with food, and after growing up in a rural area where TGI Fridays are considered fancy, we could choose to indulge ourselves with an incredible meal. We’ve essentially eaten our way through Philly, and what I love more that anything, is that we never seem to run out of amazing new spots to try.
Whether it’s super fancy, or casual bars with some kick-butt food, Philly has literally got it all, I swear. If you live around Philly and haven’t tried some of the amazing eats it has to offer, well shame, shame, I know your name.
This past weekend I had something crazy, and totally unexpected happen – I three days off in a row. Amazing, I know. I’m still basking in the glow of it.
Saturday, Frank and I decided to spend the day together and enjoy the city. We quickly realized that going anywhere past Broad street was pure mayhem. Between the Rittenhouse Festival, and all the events at the Art Museum, it was crazy. But that’s fine with us, because we adore East Philly. Walking through Old City always feels like I’m at home, and I think it may always feel that way to me.
We had lunch at Revolution House. We sat on the roof deck and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I had grilled cheese, he had a cheese steak (which he snagged a bite of before I had a chance to snap a picture. I don’t blame him at all though, it smelled amazing). Our food was delicious, the view was lovely, and the service was great. I spotted several diners around us with delicious looking drinks that still have me kicking myself for not getting one (next time, though).
After lunch we wandered through Society Hill. If you ever see two kids in their mid twenties walking around society hill, pointing and commenting on all the of the historic architecture, well, that’s us. We’re geeks.
We were excited because we were finally able to grab a tour of the Physick House, which we’ve been wanting to do for some time, but it always seemed to be closed when we were around.
It was lovely, and interesting. We were lucky to get on a tour with only two other ladies, so it was intimate. They have so much of the family’s original furniture too, which is fascinating. I also loved getting to meet the great great (great great great?) grandson of Dr. Physick which actually lives in the house today!
After the tour we did a little more walking, and got some drinks and relaxed a bit. PS – if you’re ever in the area and looking for your coffee fix, I love Menagerie Coffee, although Old City has plenty of other great cafes as well.
I’ve talked about before how I feel Old City has some of the best small boutiques in the city, and I still stand by it. So, of course, I couldn’t help popping in Art in the Age while I was in the area.
Last time I was in I wanted to check out their Warby Parker collection, but it was pretty packed. I was lucky this time though, and the shop was nice and quiet. I went ahead and tried on basically every pair, and fell in love with the ones below. I’m thinking I definitely need to order them, right?? Besides my obsession with a new pair of glass, I just always love to check out what brands and artist’s their carrying currently, because they’re always interesting.
I need to stop and mention something here, my husband has a killer talent for finding the best places to eat. Seriously, don’t ever give me credit for finding the good food, because it’s always him. While I was goofing around in the shops, he found our dinner spot.
How to explain Pizzeria Beddia? The whole operation seems to be two guys – one makes the pizza, the other takes the orders. They don’t have a phone, they don’t deliver, and they only make so many. You come in, you pay cash, and they tell you when your pizza will be ready. It was a Saturday night, and we got there around 6:30 and we’re told to come back at 7:40 for our pizza. It’s not fast food, it’s not convenient food, but it’s damn good pizza. Pardon my french.
They have two standing tables to eat at if you really want to dig right into your pizza there, but instead we grabbed some drinks from the grocery store across the street (which also looked pretty amazing, and I could see myself wandering around in and spending too much money at someday), and headed to one of the parks on water. We grabbed a bench, and munched on our pizza. The cheese, by the way, is just plain incredible, I may dream about it for weeks. We made some doggie friends, and were greeted by some unexpected, but totally welcomed, fireworks.
I couldn’t complain if I tried.
i’ve always wanted to go to philly!xx nikki
This looks so lovely, that’s exactly the sort of date me and my boyfriend enjoy. Sounds like a fabulous day π