Free People Shirt + Jeans // Target Hat // Old Navy Boots
Last year I allowed myself to get caught up in the craziness that tends to ensue during the summer, running from work to appointments, and stuffing as much house work in as I could. Before I knew it, it was all over and I had only been to the beach twice. For someone whose lived most of her life about a half hour from the shore, that’s simply a crime. This year I’m making myself slow down, and take the time to stick my toes in the sand and appreciate a few moments of the sunshine whenever I can.
I work with Kristin, and when she went down to Sea Isle on vacation, and invited me to come down one morning and hang out and take some photos together, I couldn’t say no. Honestly, there’s nothing like being at the shore first thing in the morning. An empty stretch of sandy beaches, all silent and still before the tourists arrive with carts full of umbrellas, chairs, and toys. There’s still a little bit of chill in the air before the sun breaks through in full force for the day. It’s my favorite time of day. You can sit quietly with a cup of coffee in hand, and breathe in the salt air. More mornings should be spent that way.
All photos by Kristin Greco
Wow, these photos are beautiful. You are so photogenic. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and take the time to enjoy simple things, life gets so busy, sometimes I forget!
Thank you so much, Lisa! π
Definitely same here. My last summer was whole about working and maybe going out in the evenings and I didn’t have time just to simply rest and be with myself. Trying not to do the same mistake now, but it’s half of July and I haven’t been to any trip to free my mind from city rush. Thank you for reminding me about it.I love your bracelet!