Thanksgiving Snippets

Fine and Feathered - Thanksgiving

Fine and Feathered - Thanksgiving Cinnamon Rolls

Fine and Feathered - Thanksgiving

Fine and Feathered - Thanksgiving

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! I thought I’d share just a couple iPhone snaps I took while setting up and prepping for the day (I always mean to take some during the actual festivities, but never actually do). This year was one of my favorite Thanksgivings. Beides my brother being away at college this year, most of the family was actually able to make it, and it actually felt fairly relaxing – even as the hostess! 

This year I also really focused to do the whole “work smarter, not harder” thing. And while I still insist on making a lot of the food from scratch, this year I have done a lot much better with planning and buying things I need ahead of time, instead of scrambling the week of. I ended up ordering these plates off amazon, and they were perfect! A huge bonus too was that they’re disposable, because who wants to spend two days setting up, and then a whole other day just doing dishes? I also snagged these utensils from Whole foods when I saw them months ago, and they worked out really well too. I took huge advantage of those big old trees in our front yard and used clippings for decorating. 

How was everyone else’s Thanksgiving? Are you prepared for the Holidays coming up?! 

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