Lavender Eucalyptus Bath Salts DIY

Lavender Eucalyptus Bath Salts DIY

On chilly nights, after a long day, I love sinking into a hot bath. This has actually been a recent indulgence of mine. I’ve never been a “bath person” per-se, but this winter that’s all changed. I experimented around Christmas with making my own bath salts to give as gifts, and part of the process, of course, was testing them out. From the first time I sprinkled them on the water, and slipped my body in, I was an official bath convert. Now I crave baths. Quiet nights at home I can barely help myself but to sink into my tub with a good book at hand, and let myself soak in the smells and feels from some good bath salts. 

With Valentines Day coming up this weekend, I thought this might be an amazing last minute gift to make for your special someone, or treat yourself with! It’s quick and easy and most of the ingredients you may already have on hand. My essential oils I was able to find at Whole Foods. Feel free to swap out the Lavender and Eucalyptus for other essential oils, and experiment with scents you love!


2 Cups of Epsom Salts

1/2 Cup of Baking Soda

1/4 Cup of Sea Salt (optional)

20-30 Drops of Lavender Essential Oils

10 Drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Mix together all ingredients in a large bowl, and store in an airtight jar. Use 1/4 cup per bath.

If you’re looking to jazz them up, you can also mix in a couple drops of food coloring as well to give them an extra pretty look! 

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