
Thanksgiving Outfit

What would you do if you woke up and only had the things you were thankful for the day before? 

This past Sunday I visited my sister’s church with her and the pastor asked that question, and it really hit me. I usually think of myself as pretty thankful person, and am usually conscious that I am fortunate in a lot of ways, but if I stop and image myself only having what I’ve taken time to be specifically thankful for, well, I wouldn’t have much. It may be cheesy and cliche this time of year to talk about being thankful, but I do think it’s an important tradition. Things get crazy, and it’s easy for even good things to feel like burdens sometimes, but maybe if we stop to take the time to be thankful for them, even when they do feel heavy, it will make them feel just a little bit lighter. 

Free People Shirt // Vintage Skirt (thrifted) // Old Navy Shoes // DIY Necklace

Fall Outfit Details

Fall Outfit with Dog

I’m especially thankful for puppies, even when they insist on being in all of your photos. 

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