Anthro Hack : Cork Board Map DIY

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Anthropologie is known for their quirky and unique homewares, but they’re also known for their price. Over the years I’ve loved checking out their amazing products, and then scheming up ways to put my own spin on them and make them for way less. Scrolling through Anthro hacks on Pinterest and Instagram is one of my favorite past times. it’s just a good reminder that often there are ways to get that unique luxe look for way less if you just get creative and roll up your sleeves for some DIY!

When I saw a cork board map on Anthropologie’s website I fell in love. It’s so cute and simple, and I knew I had to make it! It seems like the perfect way to mark off where you’ve traveled to, and put pins in your top places you’re dreaming of visiting too.

I’ve always been a huge fan of neutrals and thought it would be fun to do a grayscale version! I love how graphic looking it came out, and it really was pretty easy, it just takes some time and a steady hand. Scroll down for the full tutorial.

How to Make a Cork Board Map

What you’ll need : Thin Cork // X-acto knife // Cutting mat, or other cutting surface // Pen or marker // Black, white, and grey craft paint (optional)

How to Make a Cork Board Map : It’s easiest to mark out all your cut lines on the back of the cork, especially if you decide not to paint yours. I started by finding a plain outline map of the world on google, and just flipping it horizontal (so it’s the mirror image). I copied it onto the back side of my cork with a pen. It was great doing the drawing on the back of the cork, because I could mess up and just draw right over it without pen marks bleeding through the paint.

If you’re going to be using it more as a decoration (like me) then don’t feel like you have to get it line-for-line perfect. I found it a lot easier to cut out the islands and peninsulas when they were a little thicker, so I gave myself a little leeway there!

Once you’re happy with your backwards outline, just go over it gently with an x-acto knife. If you push too hard the cork ends up more jagged, so I just went over it gently a few times and it came out really nice and clean.

If you got your cork in a roll, it may want to curl up on the sides, especially now that it’s in smaller pieces, so you can weigh it down with some heavy books and give it a day to flatten out.

Now you can choose to keep it plain old cork, just like the Anthropologie version, or you can do grayscale, or it would even look great in a fun color! It’s totally up to you. You can give the whole world polka dots, or stripes, if you want!I just used some painters tape to keep mine up, but if you want to keep yours up more permanently I’d use Command strips, or something more heavy duty.

This is one of those great little DIYs that almost anyone can do. You don’t have to be good at drawing at all, and you can customize it however you like. You just have to be a little patient, especially if you’re doing a bigger one like I did!

This post was originally published 10/7/2013, and updated 4/1/2021 for accuracy.

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  1. I love it! I saw that Anthropologie post you made and the company really does have so many amazing and inspiring products. Did you ever see that show about the guy who finds the one-of-a-kind items for Anthro?This project is very cool and something that I think some teachers would find useful, too, particularly in a Montessori environment. Keep up the great work!
    The Rambling Fangirl

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes! It’s so neat. For the longest time my biggest dream was to be a buyer for them!Thanks!

  3. This is adorable! I will deff be making this!

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