New Tricks

Fine and Feathered Blog

Lately I’ve been getting this itch to play around with something new. That’s one of my favorite parts of having a blog, the excuse to try something new and just say “oh, I’m doing it for the blog!” even though my blogging is sporadic at best these days. I love learning new tricks. Even though teaching yourself something new can be a little frustrating at times, it’s always so rewarding when you finally break through and start understanding something you couldn’t even wrap your head around a few days before.

Some of you may remember I played a tiny bit with video in the past, but never did much with it. I’ve really been loving diving into youtube lately and learning new things, and I have just been amazed at some of the things you can do with video these days. Now that there are tons of people already doing it, I thought it would be fun to learn a little from them and play with my own videos.

I love the idea of including little videos with outfits because I always wonder how bloggers outfits really wear in real life (is that comfortable? Can she even move in that?). So here you are. My favorite go-to outfit this spring. It’s one of those ones that certainly isn’t groundbreaking, but I really do wear it all the time and feel great, and totally comfortable all day long in.

Jacket : F21
Tee : Madewell
Jeans : Free People
Boots : Target
Backpack : Madewell
Sunglasses : Free People

Let me know what you think! Do you like seeing outfit videos or are you just all about the pics? I am really going to try to push myself to make more videos and share both on here and on my youtube!


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