Simple Ways to Prep Your Home for Fall

Being the mega-introvert that I am, I love being at home. Like seriously guys, I could easily lock myself in the house for an entire week and be a-okay with it. With the cold weather coming I get even more attached to my house, and as the temperatures drop the amount of time I spend inside rises. So every fall I like to thoughtfully prep our home for the cooler seasons. These are just a few my favorite ways to prep your home for fall.

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Deep Clean

Spring cleaning is nice, but fall cleaning is a must for me. Summers tend to be extra crazy for us with tons of traveling, and even our weekends at home are usually packed full, so typically by the time fall is rolling around our house is in desperate need for an intense cleaning. There is also something so therapeutic about cleaning our space and getting it ready for the next season. I like to work room by room, so that if I don’t get through everything in one weekend I don’t have the entire house pulled apart until I can finish it.

Simple Decor Touches

I’m not a big seasonal decor person generally speaking, but fall? I mean, how can you resist. I stick to mostly just pumpkins and other easy and simple decorations to change things up. What I love about natural touches is that you don’t have a ton of stuff to store the rest of the year. I hate clutter, so the less I need to store and worry about the better. Some of my other favorites are brass candlestick holders I’ve collected from thrift stores, and all the amazing smelling candles I can get my hands on.

Candles, though.

Speaking of which, when it comes to seasonal decor I do have one major vice – candles. But honestly, I’ll burn a pumpkin candle all year long, I just enjoy using fall as an extra excuse to buy a few more. Not only are candles just, ya know, generally awesome, but I’ve found they can really help me when I struggle with seasonal depression. Lighting a candle and focusing on a task really helps me break out of a funk, so there’s another great excuse to buy more candles.

Restock the Kitchen & Bath

During the cold months I am always about what to bake or cook next, and Friday nights I love taking a nice long bath to unwind from the week. During the summer, I rarely do either of those things since our home doesn’t have central AC and both the kitchen and bath are about ten thousand degrees, so usually I’ve totally forgotten about them until the fall rolls around. This month I’ve been sifting through my kitchen and bathroom to make sure I’m fully stocked on my favorites in both. I got a new immersion blender for making soups, and stocked up on bath bombs and face masks so I can jump right into some serious self care when I need it.

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make the transition easier, so make sure you take time to think about what will help you move through the season. I’ve found it’s a huge game changer for me to take a little extra time to prep for fall before it hits all at once!

Check out more fall decor ideas and tips

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  1. Ah, I can relate to this so much! A deep clean + candles burning… gives me ALL the happy feels at home! xo

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