5 Reasons Why You Should Try Renting Clothes

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Renting Clothes

Why You Should Try Renting Clothes

Clothes affect me. I often wish they didn’t and I could just walk out of door in my sweats without overthinking it, but what I’m wearing has a huge impact on how I feel. Even as a kid I was particular about what I wore, and it could majorly affect my mood.

A couple months ago I signed up for Nuuly, a clothing rental service (full disclosure, I work for URBN inc. which owns Nuuly, however I haven’t been asked to write this, or given any special discount or benefit beyond the basic employee discount, which is fairly modest.). I actually expected to cancel it after a month or two. I figured I’d miss buying clothes, or would struggle with sizing too much, or just plain not like it, but I’ve been surprised to find that I love it and it’s actually simplified my life in some big ways. I am all for anything that makes life a little simpler, so I thought I’d share some of the big reasons it has helped me, if case any you’re considering it but just aren’t sure if it’s the right fit for you.

It’s actually just as exciting as buying

Seriously, I have just as much fun (if not more, since I don’t have to worry about looking at prices!) picking out my clothes each month, and can’t wait for them to arrive. To be fair, the first two month I got one or two items I ended up not really wearing, but I think I’m already getting better at figuring out sizing and also knowing what works for my body type, and lifestyle.

Less hassle

Even though I love clothes, I generally hate shopping for clothes, trying things on, and having to deal with returns, so for me it takes a lot of the frustration out of the process. Nuuly sends everything in a reusable shipping bag that’s super easy to send back, so even with how much I also hate shipping things, it’s actually been a pretty painless process.

Quality without the Big Investment

I used to work for Free People and always loved the clothes, but just couldn’t afford to buy more than one or two pieces a season, even with the employee discount. I’ve really enjoyed being able to wear my favorite brands without having to invest $100+ per piece. A lot of the pieces I’ve rented are things I would normally drool over, but would never actually buy, so for me it’s been great to get to wear them as much as I want during the month without having to budget out for each item.

It’s a good excuse to try new styles

At least one or two pieces a month I push myself to pick out things that are a little out of my comfort zone, and I know I wouldn’t normally buy. Some things I’ve fallen completely in love with (like the maxi denim skirt I got last month!) and I know I never would have tried it otherwise.

Less waste

This past year I felt really stuck when it came to clothes. I was regularly ordering clothes online and rarely had good luck with finding things that worked so there was a lot of shipping and returning. Even with things that did work I found that things in my budget tended to wear out pretty quickly, so I was always replacing things I did like. With renting my clothes I can wear everything each month as much as I wanted and just send it back and not have to worry about replacing it. It also has cut down considerably on how much I order and return online.

If you’re interested in trying clothing rental there are more and more options popping up everyday to try! Look for one that carries brands you would buy (or aspire to buy!) anyway.

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