Kitchen Renovation : 6 Inspiring Kitchens with Dark Floors

Dark Floored Kitchen with light cabinets

6 Inspiring kitchens with Dark Floors

Photo from Adore Magazine

The time has come! Our kitchen has been under some stage of renovations since we first bought the house, starting with us ripping up the 70’s linoleum tile floors the first week we owned our home. Then it seemed each year we made some bit of new progress. Pulling down the “pantry” that blocked the kitchen from the dining room was a big step that drastically changed the space. We’ve made do with no cabinets or counters for quite some time now, but we’re ready to move full-steam ahead and finish the damn thing (pardon my excitement!).

One of the big decisions we’ve made recently has been to fully replace the kitchen and sunroom floors all at once. The wood floors that were hiding under the linoleum in the kitchen had giant holes of missing flooring, as well as boards so water damaged you could kick through them. Since we expanded the opening from the kitchen to the sunroom, they feel much more connected now, and it just makes sense to do the same flooring through both rooms to encourage the open concept even more.

Inspiration for Kitchens With Dark Floors

From Studio McGee

Inspiration for White Kitchen with Dark Floors

Photo and Design: Kate Marker Interiors

I was somewhat surprised to find that inspiration for dark floored kitchens were actually kind of hard to come by. I had to do some serious Pinterest detective work to find some good examples. Which surprises me now, since the ones I was able to find are so lovely!

I think we’ll start to see a trend from the super light flooring that’s been popular these past couple years slowly into a new love for super dark flooring. I think dark floors will especially be a good option for those of us who like to keep our walls light, but still love a little bit of drama in our home – the contrast between dark floors and light cabinets can be really lovely and striking!

Design and Photo by The Stables

Kate Marker Interiors White Kitchen with Dark Floors

Design and photo by: Kate Marker Interiors

I’ve debated on cabinets for a while, but since we do plan on reselling our house in the next few years we decided to stick with a safe option and go all white with the cabinets and counters. It will also be a really nice contrast with the floors and keep the space from feeling too moody with the dark floors. At first I was a little concerned about how it would all look together, but after I started digging through inspiration I can’t wait!

Personally, I’m head over heels for that first inspiration photo – swoon! I’m planning on blending more classic and traditional kitchen choices with some modern boho styling touches for our older home. We’ll be doing white cabinets with a traditional white subway tile on the walls, with lots of open shelving to keep things still feeling really open and modern. All of these spaces are inspiring me and I think our kitchen will be a sort of combination from all of them.

Photo and Design: Cloe Thomson on Instagram

What’s your favorite inspiration? Have you ever considered going with darker flooring in your kitchen? I recently got a message from someone on Instagram saying how they went lighter and wish they went darker with how hard it is to keep lighter flooring clean, so that made me feel even more confident in our decision!

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