Perfect Plants for Your Home Office

If you know me, you probably know that I freaking love plants. So of course, deciding which plants would join my newly renovated office has been one of the most fun parts of the journey. If you’re looking for plants for your home office, I wanted to share some of my favorites!

Whenever you’re picking out plants the most important consideration is light. My office doesn’t get any direct sunlight, so I’m pretty much just working with low to medium indirect light. Thankfully there are plenty of really great plants that are perfectly happy with that type of light. Here are some of my new friends joining the office party:

Disclosure – This post contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. These are all items I personally have purchased myself and would recommend to a friend.

Silver Pothos

These guys are happy almost anywhere, but mine seems to have taken an extra liking to the office so far and has already sprouted some new growth. I love the Pothos climbing nature, so I’m planning to train mine to climb the bookshelf.

Air Plants

Ah, airplants. Sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with them. I mean, they’re gorgeous and serve as both a great plant friend and art piece at the same time. But they can sometimes be finicky. Either I overwater them or underwater them, and they tend to go quick once that happens. I’ve been super dedicated to figuring them out though, and am loving having them in my office so far.

Propagation Clippings

I’ve been on a huge propagation mission this year and have loved using my little babies as decoration while they grow. I’ve added a few throughout my office and they’ve been a great addition, often adding a little greenery to a spot that wouldn’t fit a full sized plant.


Not to brag, but Pilea’s love my house. I brought one home last summer and it just keeps growing new babies (I’ve already given away two and still have Pilea’s in most rooms of my house!). So of course adding one to the office was a no-brainer. It loves the indirect light and is the perfect little addition to my bookshelf.

Check out my full home office before and after

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  1. As a recovering plant murderer, I LOVE this one! Your beautiful plants and space are coming together so nicely <3

  2. […] My favorite plants for your home office […]

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