Life Lately + News

                           Jaunt into the city means stopping at Metropolitan for bagels! // My view

                              Whipped myself up a beach tote // The puppies taking a nap together:)

You can definitely feel spring is here and summer will come up quickly. Things seem to be moving faster and faster around here and I’m pretty sure things won’t be slowing down for a while. What makes me so sure of that? The house we’ve been renting for over a year while it’s been for sale just finally sold all the sudden and we’ll be moving out in about a month! We’ve been looking at houses since the end of last summer so we’re still hoping to find our own place soon, but we’re really lucky to already have plenty of friends and family offer to let us bunk with them until we do.

Anyone else feel the craziness coming on? My summers always seem to fly by before I know it!

  1. aww you’re moving?? Well YOU get to enjoy the cherry blossoms at least πŸ™‚ Good luck in finding a new home-sweet-home! Hopefully it’ll be FUN & EXCITING and not so stressful πŸ™‚

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