Office Paint Reveal | One Room Challenge

Last week I shared my process for picking out paint for my little office makeover. After years of this room soaking up light like no ones business and giving me all the gloomy vibes, I was seriously excited to jump into action and finally repaint! So why drag it out? Here’s the before and after!

The color change made a HUGE difference. Not only did I finally feel like I walked into a room with some sunlight, but it definitely made this small room feel a little bit bigger. Just yesterday Frank walked into the room and commented on how bright it is. It just goes to show how important finding the right color for each space is.

In case you missed it last week, I ended up going with Valspar’s Filtered Shade. I have to be honest, even though I loved how much brighter the room was, for a day or two I doubted my choice, wondering if I went “too grey” (insert laughing emoji here). It was a tad more silver-y than what I wanted (I originally thought it was more of a muddy grey) but I decided to just work with it.

The bare walls were a little overwhelming, but as I’ve added in furniture I’ve come to absolutely love it. It definitely looks better with more warmer tones to play off in a room. I feel like I almost always have a moment of panic after I first paint a room, scared I chose the wrong color, but you really can’t tell until you start styling it, in my opinion.

This post is part of my One Room Challenge guest series. I’ll be posting new updates and progress on the office each Thursday through June 28th.

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  1. That is such an awesome change and I love that soft wall color

  2. […] Since this room had already been “redone” once before that made my job so much easier this time around. I only needed to repaint it to make a big impact. I ended up going with Filtered Shade by Valspar. You can read more about my paint choices over here. […]

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