Brain Fog

           Target Shirt + Hat // Banana Republic Cardigan // Gap Skirt + Bag // Boots c/o Minnetonka

The end of last week I was in a total brain fog. Every once and a while these hit where my brain feels like it just kind of shuts down and I don’t want to think or even look at Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. I have nothing against them (actually, I love them), but I think my brain is just like “no more!” for a couple days. Frank was away on work the end of last week so I ended up kind of zoning out for those few days. I mostly just wore leggings (my lazy wear), didn’t do the dishes, and watched the first three seasons of Dexter on Netflix. I did start to work on some Christmas gifts while on my Dexter binge, but that’s about all I got done. Usually I’d get upset with myself for not doing something “contructive” at all hours, but I think this was my brain’s way of telling me it just needed a few days off, and sometimes that’s okay. Anyone else experience the occasional “brain fog”?

  1. oh, yes. i tend to get a brain fog at the times when i need to be productive the most. :Pi love the scarf and cardigan combo. the colors are perfect!

  2. Absolutely, and honestly, I think its good to take a short break from things for a little bit, it’s easy to put a ton of pressure on ourselves to be productive and get things done, but sometimes we need to take a step back and take time for ourselves and relax a little.Miche from Buttons and Birdcages
    ps Love the outfit!

  3. says:

    I think the sole purpose of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV & the like is to be able to zone out & binge watch!!! Enjoy the downtime! And I love that bag—-great outfit. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous says:

    hah! I totally agree – and thanks:)

  5. I totally get a brain fog or ‘fug’ as I call it sometimes, I can exactly imagine the nasty fuzzy lethargic feeling, it’s definitely a good idea to ride it out by taking some time off! xx

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