Puddle Jumper

             Target Shirt + Boots // F21 Skirt (thrifted) // Thrifted Belt // Homemade Necklace

It’s been raining and hot almost every day this week so far. Not so nice. It feels like a giant bowl of soup outside, which is just as gross as it sounds. At night the tempertures have been coming down though and feel, dare I even say it, fall-like. Nice and crisp. I can’t say I mind pulling on a nice comfy sweatshirt when I step outside. I am looking forward to being able to layer again during the days to come. I love summer style but after a while I long for a little more diversity in my dressing. It’s not so fun to get dressesd for “soup weather”, however I’ll take the jumping through puddles – that’s pretty darn fun.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I could definitely use some rain boots right now. Stupid Florida weather. Nice post though!S&R

  2. The Florida weather is killing me too, the giant bowl of soup description is spot on!

  3. Awe, cute! I love your necklace and your rainboots are adorable! I definitely need to pick me up a pair for fall!heyniki.wordpress.com

  4. You look adorable!! Love the stripes & red boots combo! And yes, to puddle jumping!xo
    By The Shore

  5. The hairstyle is truely perfect, it fits you so much.Not to mention the skirt&wellingtons match!

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